Tag: Elections

On June 9, 2024, EU voters elected a new European Parliament. Eurosceptic and populist parties made unprecedented gains across Europe. The fact that the democratic, non-populist center therefore lost ground is an expression of increasing democratic regression in the pan-European context. In this res...

Environmental policy is no longer largely decided in Berlin, but in Brussels - according to a rough estimate, around 80 per cent of national legislation has its origins in European law. The EU institutions and in particular the European Parliament, which will be newly elected on 9 June 2024, are the...

In her contribution published in the Nürnberger Zeitung today, Prof Sandra Eckert, Chair of Comparative Politics, writes about why the European elections are important and what they are about. According to Eckert, Europe is not an abstract entity, but determines our everyday lives. Product standards...

In summer 2022, the Human Rights Subcommittee decided to prepare a Recommendation to the EU Council, the Commission and the HRVP (Josep Borrell) on how to respond more effectively to undemocratic elections in autocracies. To support the rapporteur (MEP Nacho Sánchez Amor), the Human Rights Subcommit...