Tag: China

On June 20, 2024, Prof. Enze Han will give a lecture in the Kollegienhaus (14.00-16.00 in room 0.024). He will present his new book on China's role in Southeast Asia (The Ripple Effect: China's Complex Role in Southeast Asia, Cambridge University Press 2024).    

As part of the BMBF-funded project "Academic Freedom in the People's Republic of China (China)", Dr Alexandra Kaiser recently published an introduction to the Chinese higher education system. This introductory book sheds light on key aspects of academic freedom of teaching and research in China and ...

Dr Eva Seiwert has been appointed Associate Research Fellow at the OSCE Academy in Bishkek. As part of the one-year Fellowship, she will continue her research on China’s influence in Central Asia and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. For more information on the Fellowship and Dr Seiwert’s proje...