Dr. Eva Odzuck
Dr. Eva Odzuck
Short biography
Eva Odzuck is Interim Professor at the Chair of Political Philosophy, Theory and History of Ideas at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg since October 2020. In 2015/16, Odzuck conducted one year of postdoctoral research at the University of California, Berkeley.
Her research focuses systematically on the analysis of emergent technologies (biotechnology, digital technology) from a political theory perspective, and historically on the history of ideas and political philosophy of liberalism (Hobbes, Rawls, contractarianism in general) and on ancient political philosophy (Plato).
Odzuck was awarded the FAU Faculty of Humanities Outstanding Women’s Research Award in 2020 and was funded by the Emerging Talents Initiative 2017. In 2019, her seminar on ethical policy advice (cooperation with ZIWIS, including a field trip to the annual meeting of the German Ethics Council), was awarded by the Innovationsfonds Lehre. Odzuck is member of the Executive Committee of the European Hobbes Society, co-editor of the Jahrbuch Politisches Denken, and co-leader of the Bayerisches Promotionskolleg Politische Theorie.