PhD Projects
Current PhD Projects
Yasemin Bekyol
Vulnerability in the European Asylum System
Anja Blümlein
Healthcare of elderly asylum seekers in Germany
Johanna C. Günther
ECHR Judgments and Their Implementation in the EU Refugee Policy
Felix Krauß
A comparison of the deportation practices of the federal states
Gerlinde Reichart
Determinants for the success of integration: The influence of the organization and working methods of helper groups
Completed Dissertations
Dr. Mojib Atal
Institutional Violence agains Afghan Refugees in Germany and the Netherlands. An analysis of violence in institutions in a comparative perspective
Dr. Laura Bonn
Asylum seekers and refugees in Berlin und Paris
Dr. Tim Breitkreuz
Delinquent or determined as dangerous migrants in Germany who are obliged to leave but cannot be returned
Dr. Sven Messing
The Renewable Energy Sources Act: An analysis of the legislative processes for EEG 2014 and EEG 2017
Dr. Johannes Obergfell
Moving from Germany to Turkey. Intentions, causes, (background) reasons
Dr. Raphaela Schweiger
The negotiations of The Global Compact on Migration
Dr. Janina Stürner-Siovitz
A new role for city diplomacy on migration?