
On November 6, Dr Lars Lott from the Institute of Political Science was invited to the Fraunhofer Forum in Berlin to comment on the results of the Science Barometer 2024. The Science Barometer, published by Wissenschaft im Dialog, celebrated its tenth anniversary and for the first time captured how ...

The book “Human Rights Politics. An introduction” by Michael Krennerich has just been published - also available as Open Access. It provides an introduction to the diversity of topics, actors and institutions in human rights politics and shows how political science and related disciplines can cont...

How does the UN work? What does the work of a diplomat look like? How do States resolve current conflicts of the world? FAUMUN gives you the answer to all these questions. Take on the role of a diplomat and represent a Member State of the UN at the worldwide largest simulation of the United Na...

On June 20, 2024, Prof. Enze Han will give a lecture in the Kollegienhaus (14.00-16.00 in room 0.024). He will present his new book on China's role in Southeast Asia (The Ripple Effect: China's Complex Role in Southeast Asia, Cambridge University Press 2024).    

The joint project "Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer" (FFVT), which is implemented by, among other institutions, at the FAU Center for Human Rights Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU CHREN), presented its "Global Flight Report 2024" – published by S. Fischer Verla...