Continuation of Lecture Series „Care beyond borders: Transnational perspectives on enancing retention in the care and nursing sector“

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On November 27, December 4, and December 11, the online lecture series “Care Beyond Borders: Transnational Perspectives on Enhancing Retention in the Care and Nursing Sector” will continue.

Securing and retaining skilled workers in nursing and elderly care has emerged as critical challenge on a global scale. Across various  countries, significant shortages have led to intensifying competition for care professionals and nurses on multiple fronts: between countries, urban and rural areas, and even among healthcare facilities. Despite the indispensable role of migrant care workers, a myriad of challenges persists, including obtaining residency permits, having qualifications recognized as well as practical obstacles such as language barriers and systemic knowledge.

Join us in our interdisciplinary lecture series as we embark to understand these dynamics on migration, displacement, and inclusion in care work, nursing and beyond the workplace. Drawing on leading academic research and expert insights, we endeavor to foster a nuanced understanding on intersectional challenges faced and possible strategies to overcome these when looking specifically at retaining skilled workers in the care and nursing sector.

This lecture series is organized in collaboration by two projects at the Center for Human Rights at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. The project “Gesundheit! Inclusion in the care and nursing sector”, funded by Stiftung Mercator, is an interdisciplinary project aiming to identify favorable working and living conditions for employees with so-called migrant backgrounds in the care and nursing sector. It seeks to generate impulses and recommendations that structurally promote equal and equitable inclusion and retention within institutions and in regions in Germany. The events are held in collaboration with the joint project “FFVT: Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer“, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), which aims to strengthen interdisciplinary research on forced migration and refugees in and beyond Germany.

To register, please use the following link. Please note that the lectures will be held in English.

For questions please feel free to contact Yasemin Bekyol (

For more information, please see: Flyer Lecture Series (PDF)