Online Lecture Series „Care Beyond Borders”

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On May 16th, June 6th and June 27th, the online lecture series “Care beyond borders: Exploring impacts of migration, displacement and inclusion for the care and nursing sector” will delve into the intersecting themes of migration, displacement, and integration in the nursing and care sector – addressing the associated challenges and potentials by incorporating academic research.

This international and interdisciplinary lecture series aims – by three one-hour evening sessions in May and June – facilitate discussions on current scientific research. In our first session on Thursday, May 16th, 2024, we will initially focus on the field of care migration in general, its economic impact as well as its impact on the individual. Subsequently, on June 6th, 2024, we will examine the employment of refugees in the nursing sector and issues of inclusion and exclusion. The third and final session of the summer semester on June 27th will address diversity in everyday nursing and care practice. Further sessions in the winter semester are being planned.

This series is organized in collaboration between two projects of the Center for Human Rights at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg: The Stiftung Mercator-funded research-practice project “Gesundheit! Inclusion in the Nursing and Care Sector” aims to identify good working and living conditions for employees with migration backgrounds in the nursing sector to generate impulses and recommendations that promote equal participation and retention in institutions and the region. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)-funded collaborative project “FFVT: Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer” aims to strengthen interdisciplinary refugee research in and beyond Germany.

To register, please use the following link. Please note that the event will be conducted in English. For questions or inquiries, please feel free to contact Yasemin Bekyol (

For more info on speaker bios and abstracts are click here: Flyer Lecture Series (PDF)