Petra Bendel Presented Integration Study at the Federal Chancellery

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Upon invitation of the Federal Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration, Minister of State Reem Alabali-Radovan, Prof. Dr Petra Bendel took part in the spring meeting of Federal and State Integration and Foreigners’ Commissioners at the Federal Chancellery on 18 April 2024 and presented the study “Integration als Pflichtaufgabe: Holzweg oder Königsweg zu krisenfesten kommunalen Strukturen?” (‘Integration as obligatory task: the wrong path or the ideal path to crisis-proof municipal structures?’).

The study was conducted between August 2023 and February 2024 by the Migration Policy Research Group of the University of Hildesheim in cooperation with the Research on Migration, Displacement and Integration and FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg and was funded by the Federal Commissioner for Integration.

Further information on the study (German) can be found here.

The press release (German) of the spring meeting can be found here.