Study “Integration as a mandatory task” Presented in Federal Chancellery

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Together with her colleagues Boris Kühn and Prof. Dr. Hannes Schammann from the University of Hildesheim, Prof. Dr. Petra Bendel has published a new study which has been granted funding by the Federal Commissioner for Integration. The study “Integration als Pflichtaufgabe: Holzweg oder Königsweg zu krisenfesten kommunalen Strukturen” (in German only, “Integration as a compulsory task: the wrong path or the ideal path to crisis-proof municipal structures”) was presented on February 19, 2024 in Mainz together with the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration, Reem Alabali-Radovan, at a regional conference of four federal states and is currently being discussed in various political bodies.

The study was conducted between August 2023 and February 2024 by the Migration Policy Research Group at the University of Hildesheim in collaboration with the Research on Migration, Displacement and Integration at FAU. It takes up debates on the mandatory municipal task of integration and examines which specific areas and tasks it would entail and whether these meet the requirement of integration being a cross-sectional task extending across all municipal structures. The aim of the study was to identify opportunities, risks and possible consequences as well as various scenarios for implementation. Experts from various levels, perspectives from migrant self-organizations and welfare associations were also taken into account.

The full publication (in German) is available here.

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