Documentation and Recordings of the CHREN-Conference on Migration and Health Care

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Keynote by Prof. Dr. Michael Krennerich

In March 2023 the hybrid conference „Systemrelevant und systemisch benachteiligt? (Flucht-)Migration und Gesundheit: Zugang, Teilhabe und Beschäftigung“ on migration and health care took place at FAU Kollegienhaus. Purpose of this scientific and practice-oriented event was to address the multifaceted role of people with a migration background in Germany – both as recipients of health care services as well as employees in the health sector –  and the challenges and potentials associated with these roles.

The conference documentation (PDF / in German) is now available for download. Some of the recorded presentations and panel discussions can be accessed here (in German).

This two-day conference was organized by the project “Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer (FFVT)” funded by the German Federal Ministry of for Education and Research (BMBF) as well as the Stiftung Mercator-funded project “Gesundheit! Inclusion in the healthcare sector” at the Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nuremberg (CHREN) at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg.


Panel I: Markus Wächter-Raquet, Corinna Stöxen, Yukako Karato, Johanna C. Günther (v.l.)
Panel I: Markus Wächter-Raquet, Corinna Stöxen, Yukako Karato, Johanna C. Günther (f.l.)
Panel III: Najim Azahaf, Lena Gude, Daniela Gareis-Krumm, Isabell Halletz, Yasemin Bekyol (v.l.)
Panel II: Najim Azahaf, Lena Gude, Daniela Gareis-Krumm, Isabell Halletz, Yasemin Bekyol (f.l.)
Panel II: Dr. Laura Scholaske, Andrea Rumpel, Prof. Dr. Hella von Unger, Sonja Reinhold (v.l.)
Panel II: Dr. Laura Scholaske, Andrea Rumpel, Prof. Dr. Hella von Unger, Sonja Reinhold (f.l.)
Panel IV: Marie Geffroy, Prof. Dr. Maya Stagge, Dr. Lisa Fischer, Nadine Wuttke, Dr. Tobias Weidinger (v.l.)
Panel IV: Marie Geffroy, Prof. Dr. Maya Stagge, Dr. Lisa Fischer, Nadine Wuttke, Dr. Tobias Weidinger (f.l.)
Praxisaustausch: Max König, Tülay Arslan, Marie Geffroy, Leandra Balke, Yasemin Bekyol
Exchange by Practitioners: Max König, Tülay Arslan, Marie Geffroy, Leandra Balke, Yasemin Bekyol










Projektvorstellung: Dr. Tobias Weidinger, Dr. habil. Stefan Kordel (v.l.)
Project Presentation: Dr. Tobias Weidinger, Dr. habil. Stefan Kordel (f.l.)
Projektvorstellung: Yasemin Bekyol
Project Presentation: Yasemin Bekyol