New entries to FAU’s Eric Voegelin Library

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In May, FAU’s Eric Voegelin Library acquired valuable new research material collected over decades by Prof Dr Jürgen Gebhardt and Prof Dr Klaus Vondung. The Library is located at FAU’s Institute of Political Science, at the Chair of Political Philosophy, Theory and History of Ideas, in Erlangen and is dedicated to research in Eric Voegelin’s works and its topics.

Under the direction of University professor Dr Eva Odzuck, the new entries were catalogued and integrated into the Library in the last months by Dr Bruno Godefroy (Uni. of Paris II Panthéon-Assas) and Laura Achtelstetter, PhD (Uni. of Augsburg) – a project made possible by a generous donation to the Universitätsbund.

The new materials amend and expand the Library’s holdings with a view to the history of Eric Voegelins research and his intellectual legacy and give opportunity for further research in this field in the years to come.