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Political Science at FAU

The Institute of Political Science has been a driving force of the discipline in Germany since its foundation in 1961. The Institute’s locally anchored research groups stand out for their strong scientific output and practical orientation, as well as their international outlook. Our research and teaching focuses on challenges to democracies and states that deviate from the democratic norm, on the accelerating changes in the international order, including transnational phenomena, and on managing technological innovation. Read more…

On June 9, 2024, EU voters elected a new European Parliament. Eurosceptic and populist parties made unprecedented gains across Europe. The fact that the democratic, non-populist center therefore lost ground is an expression of increasing democratic regression in the pan-European context. In this res...

On June 20, 2024, Prof. Enze Han will give a lecture in the Kollegienhaus (14.00-16.00 in room 0.024). He will present his new book on China's role in Southeast Asia (The Ripple Effect: China's Complex Role in Southeast Asia, Cambridge University Press 2024).