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Political Science at FAU

The Institute of Political Science has been a driving force of the discipline in Germany since its foundation in 1961. The Institute’s locally anchored research groups stand out for their strong scientific output and practical orientation, as well as their international outlook. Our research and teaching focuses on challenges to democracies and states that deviate from the democratic norm, on the accelerating changes in the international order, including transnational phenomena, and on managing technological innovation. Read more…

What are the consequences of the upcoming European elections for the future of European environmental policy? How can and should the EU respond to increasing social mobilisation and polarisation of environmental policy? These were the questions addressed by academic and political experts during an online discussion today.

From April 2nd to 6th, Dr. Johannes Jüde, Prof. Dr. Katrin Kinzelbach and Dr. Lars Lott took part in the 2024 Congress of the International Studies Association (ISA). This year's theme was “Putting Relationality at the Center of International Studies”. The congress served international academic exch...

In her contribution published in the Nürnberger Zeitung today, Prof Sandra Eckert, Chair of Comparative Politics, writes about why the European elections are important and what they are about. According to Eckert, Europe is not an abstract entity, but determines our everyday lives. Product standards...

On 20.03.2024, Prof. Dr. Katrin Kinzelbach participated in a symposium entitled "Human Rights and Academic Freedom in Europe" in Berlin. The event was co-organized by the Leopoldina (National Academy of Sciences) together with the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. The programme is available ...